Ag on the Farm in Gr

posted on Friday, September 14, 2018

Thank you to the Greene County Farm Bureau Iowa for inviting us to their Ag on the Farm Day!

The event, which has been taking place for more than 20 years and teaches local fourth graders about agriculture, was hosted at the farm of Connor and Lindsay Juergensen. Connor and his brother, Cale, run a diversified farming operation near Churdan and participated in the same farm safety program 15 years ago.

“It was a no-brainer to host it here because 15 years ago we were on Tim and Vickie Robbins’ farm doing the same thing,” recalled Connor. “We had fun and learned a lot. It kind of sparked and progressed our interest in what we do now.”

The Juergensens enjoy advocating for agriculture and teaching others what they do on their farming operation. “We’re trying to do the best we can in the best ways,” he said. “So why not bring some kids out here and show them?”

During the event, fourth graders from Paton-Churdan and Greene Community Schools rotated through stations that taught them about cattle, sheep, ethanol, drones, swine, farm safety, soybeans, corn, solar power and electricity, conservation practices and fun agriculture “minute-to-win-it” games.

“It’s important that kids know where their food comes from,” said John McCormick, Greene County Farm Bureau President. “Even though we’re a strong farming community, a lot of the kids in our schools think that food comes from the grocery store, but that’s about the extent of their knowledge.”

McCormick estimates that nearly 80-90% of the kids in Greene County don’t have an Ag background.

“We’re out here to educate the kids and have fun at the same time,” he continued. “This is a busy time of year for farmers and now when these students see us going up and down the roads and in the fields, they’ll know what we’re doing and why.”