posted on Sunday, June 26, 2016
Our hearts were warmed when we met a very special lady named Donna who volunteers at the Clear Lake/Ventura food pantry at the United Methodist Church. It was barely a year ago when the church opened up this brand new pantry after examining community needs--and one of the needs that ranked the highest was a food pantry due to high food insecurity levels in the community.
Food pantry volunteers offer a community kitchen meal on Wednesday nights for approximately 40 people, and then provides food for 45-50 families a month. “When the Food Bank of Iowa has meat to buy, we purchase it, or we buy it from the local grocery store but we don’t often get it donated,” said Donna. “This donation is very meaningful since it’s expensive for our families to buy.” Mail carriers also donate food to the pantry through the Stamp Out Hunger program and members of the church also donate food. Thank you to the UMC, Donna, and the dedicated food pantry committee for your service, dedication and compassion.