posted on Monday, November 16, 2020

“It’s hard to put into words how amazing this event is,” said T’Lee, Creston local and Iowa Select Farms’ Staff Veterinarian, at the pork loin giveaway for Union County veterans. “It almost doesn’t seem like a big enough thank you to show our appreciation, but you can tell these veterans are very excited to receive a pork loin and I’m just grateful to be apart of it.”
On Veterans Day 2020, we held pork loin giveaways in Creston, Ackley, Dows and Cresco. The Union County giveaway was held behind The Freedom Rock and started at 7:30 AM. Well before we arrived with a truckload of pork loins, there was a line of veterans formed eager to get their free, five-pound pork loin roast.
“When I heard about this event I knew I had to come over and see it in person,” said Senator Tom Shipley. “It’s an amazing opportunity to give back to our veterans, who we respect and appreciate so much. This really is an amazing thing to be apart of.”
We know that we can never fully repay the debt we owe to veterans for their unselfish devotion to the United States, but we offer this humble effort to try. Spending time with our families is a reward veterans service allows us to enjoy and we hope this giveaway will contribute to a fulfilling celebration for veterans and their loved ones.
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