Creston Schools Receive Power Snack

posted on Wednesday, October 28, 2020


Our Power Snack crew hopped back onto Highway 34 and headed west towards Creston Elementary School. There, we met up with guidance counselor, Jane Shantz, who has to be one of the nicest ladies we’ve ever met!

This was actually the Super Snacker’s second visit to Creston in recent months. You might recall that back in June she stopped by the Creston Area Food Pantry to deliver 500 Pork Sticks that were added into care packages for area families in-need.

Today, we delivered 200 more Pork Sticks + 3,200 Power Snack coupon booklets. Each coupon booklet contains a $5 coupon that will get students in-need a pound (perhaps more!) of deli ham and $3 coupon that will get them a loaf of whole wheat bread—enough supplies to make twelve delicious, and most importantly, nutritious, “Power Snacks” at-home.
If you do the math (or don’t, we gotcha!), that’s enough supplies to make 38,400 ham sandwiches. Looks like we’re going to keep the grocery stores in Creston and surrounding communities especially busy this year, all in the name of fighting back against childhood hunger.
