Diagonal School District

posted on Thursday, August 3, 2017

Next up on our Haul Out Hunger journey was a quick visit to Diagonal where our team quite literally "slid" through town with 5 cases of pork loins intended for local community members.

"These are going directly to families in need here in our town," said Danielle Newton, a secretary for the Diagonal School District. "Whether it's someone that the Lions club helps, a family that we identify at school, church or just someone in the community that needs a helping hand -- they are going directly to people here in Diagonal."

Thanks to our awesome crew, we quickly unloaded 325 loins and left just enough time for us to slide down the school's historic fire escape. In fact, we even captured our fun experience on Facebook live and the video can be found on our page. Thanks for a fun visit, Diagonal! We'll see you again next year. #HaulOutHunger #BillionPlus