Employee Spotlight: Julie Mulford

posted on Friday, May 11, 2018

“I was hired on May 18, 1998 to start up the in-house diagnostic lab, where we would do our own PCR and genetic testing for PRRS,” said Julie Mulford, purchasing manager. “They needed someone to establish policies, procedures and then run the new lab.”

Julie says the lab work naturally grew to managing health papers; tracking Pork Quality Assurance certifications and ordering vet med supplies. Later her responsibilities increased to purchasing and warehousing the majority of the supplies Iowa Select Farms uses today.

“Some of my best memories date back to the things we did for our communities even before the Foundation,” said Julie. “We would come together to support local Ducks Unlimited to help raise money for conservation efforts. I think the memories that have stayed with me are the ones where we all pull together to help an employee who is down. We make meals, we organize benefits, we cover workloads—I’ve seen it happen over and over. We’re like a family.”

Today, Julie oversees five warehouses, 15 employees and the
purchasing and warehousing of thousands of suppliers essential to running our business. A brand new warehouse is planned for Osceola, and Julie is leading the start-up and operations.

“Probably the most exciting time period is right now—being at the center of our growth, and having the opportunity to lead the purchasing of our construction materials and oversee the delivery and logistics of those materials to our new farms,” said Julie. “It’s an awesome responsibility, and I’m humbled that they trusted me and my team with it. I couldn’t do it without them.”

Julie, like many, said the time she saw Iowa Select Farms shine was when faced with a setback. “We come together and face challenges head on, and we always end up a much better company. It’s some of these memories that make me the proudest.”