Giving Back and Doing What's Right

posted on Sunday, January 24, 2016

Today was a special day on our billion pound journey, one that took us to the US Marine Corps 2D BN 24th Marine Regiment Echo Company. You see, pork production is our profession and livelihood, but we also believe strongly in giving back and doing what’s right, and today that meant showing respect and our incredible appreciation to these Marines.

Allyson, the marketing specialist for Iowa Select Farms, knows all too well about the sacrifices of a Marine family. As the of a US Marine Corps Colonel, Allyson and her family had moved nine times before she turned 13 (including a move to Japan!), and she's experienced firsthand the life of the men and women and understands the sacrifices their families make.

“I remember a time when my dad would only be home on the weekends,” said Allyson. “He was living in Rhode Island and we were in Virginia. It was tough, but we made it work. We always made it work.”

Today we were proud to deliver to each Marine an extra special pork bundle containing ribs, a fresh pork loin and our Pork Care Package filled with a cookbook and coupons for more ribs, ham, bacon, ground pork and chops. The pork bundles--organized by the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation and Iowa Select Farms--are designed to simply provide a great reason to gather families and friends together for a delicious lunch, dinner or holiday feast.

“I never imagined I’d work for a company who cares so much about the men and women of the Armed Services,” said Allyson. “The things we are doing really mean a lot to me and to my family. Days like today are extra special because I understand first-hand the sacrifices that these men and women are making for their families. To be able to shake their hand, offer them a Pork Care Package and simply say, ‘thank you for your service’ is truly a humbling experience.”

The event today was the final stop on our Pork Care Package tour aimed at providing every single Iowa-based member of the Armed Services with a token of our sincere appreciation. Throughout December and January, the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation delivered a total of 12,000 Pork Care Packages to the Iowa National Guard; 132nd Fighter Wing, Iowa Air National Guard; 185th Air Refueling Wing, Iowa Air National Guard; US Army Reserves, US Marine Corp Reserves and US Navy Reserves.

Doing the right thing is a part of our billion pound journey and we’re honored to be able to give back to the men and women who sacrifice their lives to protect our freedom. ‪#‎billionpounds‬