posted on Monday, January 3, 2022
Lamoni FFA members are doing good in their community with the help of the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation’s Ignite the Spirit program.
The Lamoni FFA Chapter and Lamoni Foods Class put together a food box full of holiday meal items including an Iowa Select Farms pork loin, pork recipes, side dishes and easy-to-make snacks for kids. They worked with their local food pantry to put the boxes together and distribute them throughout the community. These boxes reached 24 families which includes over 100 people in the Lamoni community.
The food class students shopped for the food items at the local Hy-Vee using the $250 donation from the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation. The FFA members picked up the pork loins, assembled the boxes and delivered them to the local food pantry.
We met these service minded FFA members when they picked up their pork loins and kits for the meals at the Osceola Operation Christmas Meal stop.
This group is a participant in Operation Christmas Meal’s Ignite the Spirit program, aimed at supporting students who wish to help fight hunger, locally.
Ignite the Spirit is a program of the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation and Iowa Select Farms and offers student FFA and 4-H organizations two cases of pork loins, a $250 check and kits so they can develop local partnerships and seek ways to help families in need.
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