Greene Co. Action Resource Center-Jefferson

posted on Thursday, August 3, 2017

It was all hands on deck in Jefferson when our semi rolled into town. Our Haul Out Hunger crew was welcomed by more than 15 hard-working volunteers to help unload 1,860 pounds of pork loins for a total of 31 cases at Greene County Christian Action Resource Center.

"We receive donations from the community and are set up like a thrift store, except everything you see here is free," explained Shirley Haupert, director/head volunteer at the center. "Our clients can "shop" when they come in once a month for their package of food and pick up any necessary clothing or household items that they need."

Similar to other food pantries, the Greene County Action Resource Center distributes food based on household size and even takes the time to put together bags for their clients.

"Cereal, fruits, vegetables, canned goods and occasionally meat. We pack all kinds of goodies in here," explained Shirley as she referenced an example care package for food insecure households. "When you serve as many people as we do, you have to make it as quick of a process as possible."

Located in the heart of Jefferson, the Greene County Action Resource Center opens their doors once a week and serves any where from 20-25 families on a regular basis. To keep their shelves stocked, the center relies on the support of local churches, Kiwanis, Rotary Club and of course, companies like Iowa Select Farms and the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation.

We had so much fun filling the freezers in Jefferson with pork loins today and are already looking forward to next year's visit. In case you're curious, we posted a Facebook live video earlier showcasing the Greene County Action Resource Center and their fleet of hard-working, compassionate volunteers. Thanks for such a great visit Shirley and crew! #HaulOutHunger #BillionPlus