Haul Out Hunger— Grand Meadow, Minnesota
posted on Wednesday, June 26, 2019
"It's eye-opening how much food insecurity there is in a small town like ours," said Dawn Stier, one of the dedicated volunteers at the Grand Meadow Faith Community Food Shelf. "If we open at 4:30 PM, there will already be a line at 4 PM. People need nutritious food and unfortunately they can't always afford it. That's where we step in to help."

Located in the local shopping center (yes, a shopping center in a town of 1,200!) the Grand Meadow Faith Community Food Shelf opens its doors twice a month to feed 36 households. Perishable and non-perishable items alike are distributed based on family size.
"Our community is very small, but we're also very close-knit," explained Dawn. "We care about each other and if a family needs something, there is always someone there to step up and help out. I suppose that's the beauty of small town USA."
On our second visit to Grand Meadow, Minnesota, our Haul Out Hunger crew unloaded 6 cases of pork loins to feed local families.
“The recipe booklets that you provide with this donation are an awesome addition,” said Dawn. “We try to set out all of the ingredients for certain meals to give families delicious, nutritious ideas rather than just grabbing a boxed meal.”
Thanks to Dawn and the five other volunteers that consistently give their time to better the community of Grand Meadow. We’re already looking forward to our visit next year! And in case you missed it, be sure to check out our Facebook Live video from this morning. We took an inside glimpse into the Grand Meadow Food Pantry. It was a fun visit, and Dawn’s enthusiasm for volunteerism is contagious!
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