posted on Tuesday, March 1, 2016
“If it comes in, we fix it.” It’s that simple according to Justin, our maintenance manager at our truck wash and maintenance shop in Iowa Falls. With more than 30 semis and 100 trailers in our fleet, Justin and his team of Adam, Fred and Kacey stay busy changing brakes, tires and oil on the semis and welding gates and changing brakes and tires on the trailers.
With the shop attached to the dispatch office and surrounded by wash bays and drying facilities, the Justin’s “office” is usually a hub of activity for the entire transportation services team. “We take care of the drivers, we want them to be safe out there on the road and have everything in good working condition. Live haul out on our rural roads is tough on these rigs, and it’s not an easy job.”
Justin, who’s been with Iowa Select Farms since 2008, says every day is different, where anywhere from 5-15 tractor or trailers roll into the shop all needing attention. Mostly routine maintenance, and nothing the team can’t handle. “We all work well together and try to have a good time.”
What’s Justin’s contribution to #billionpounds? “We keep the trucks moving. When trucks are moving, our pigs are moving. #billionpounds