Jensen GDU Named Select Pride Winner for Q4 2021 and Q1 2022
posted on Friday, September 16, 2022

“We chore at the same time of day every day, so the animals get consistent care,” said Roy Alden, manager of Jensen gilt developer. “You want the animals to know and anticipate when the caregivers will arrive, when they will be fed and when we’ll be in the pens working with them. I believe this minimizes the stress and makes things run smoother at the farm.”
Roy and his team of Roy Alden Jr., Jealously Alden and Todd Franke take care of the gilts at the Jensen farm. They’ve had yet another great run of Select Pride success, landing the top gilt developer for the end of last year and the beginning of this year.
Roy’s been with Iowa Select Farms for nearly 18 years. He started at Sow 116, then moved over to Payne gilt developer, but he’s been at Jensen for most of his career.
Raul, Jensen’s supervisor, says it’s clear Roy has tremendous experience but is also competitive by nature and cares about his farm, his animals and his team.
“What makes Roy great is how he pushes his team to be the best they can be in their role as caregivers,” said Raul.
Roy’s team is not only like a family, but they are family. Roy Jr. is Roy’s son, and Jealously is Roy’s granddaughter. He says he is grateful that they are able to work together.
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