Lenox Ministerial Association

posted on Tuesday, June 21, 2016

On to Lenox where the delivery crew carried in eight cases of pork loins to Rev. Tim Maxa at the Lenox Ministerial Association. According to Rev. Maxa, the loins are given to larger families in their congregation they know could use a hand, and some of the loins are served during a community BBQ used to help raise money to send the children of those families to a summer camp. “We stretch it out as much as possible to help our families, and we are so grateful for the support ...year after year.”

And speaking of grateful, our delivery crew was surprised and thankful when they saw Leroy, an Iowa Select Farms truck driver referred to as “cowboy,” pull into the Lenox Ministerial Association when he saw the semi. “He jumped out and helped us unload, and then followed us to the next stop to unload, where another Iowa Select Farms manager also pulled in to say ‘hello’. Lenox is a small town with big hearts and great people!" ‪#‎billionpounds‬