Little Things Make Big Results

posted on Thursday, January 7, 2021

“I have worked with him for 15 years now and he’s always been very consistent in his approach, has a strong work ethic and goes out of his way to help others,” said Tim, Senior Finishing Supervisor. “If I could hire 10 more just like him, I would in a heartbeat.”

Tim is talking about Paul, finishing supervisor and recent Finishing SelectPride award winner. Although he’s only been at Iowa Select Farms for three years, Paul has more than 15 years working in pig care. Alongside Paul, and instrumental in his recent success, are managers Jaime, Sam, Ryan, Joline, Craig, Val, Jaime, Nahum, Max and Tim. Between the group, they are responsible for 18 farms, including both nursery and grow-finish.

“I am lucky to have a great group of managers who know it’s the little things that pay off for big results,” said Paul. “From animal care to knowing what to keep an eye out for on their farms, my managers stay on top of things and make my job as supervisor easy. I’ve got a great group.”

Perhaps what makes his team unique is that nearly all of his growers are full-time, meaning caring for pigs is their main job and source of income. “Many of my growers have been doing this for a long time and are really good at it too,” he said. “Their hard work and success is ultimately my success and I couldn’t be more proud of everyone’s efforts.”

In addition to having a great group of managers, Paul credits his success as a finishing supervisor to being part of a supportive and encouraging team. “From the vet staff, feed gals and senior supervisors, to maintenance and transportation, there’s always someone to help when you need it,” explained Paul. “It’s a nice, helpful team that reminds you come what may, we’re all in this together.”

But if you know Paul, you’ll know it’s no surprise he’s trying to step out of the spotlight for this win. In fact, he doesn’t even have Facebook to see this post! But that doesn’t mean we’re not going to toot his horn and let him know how proud of him we are. He’s a positive reinforcement for our team.

“I don’t think Paul has ever had a bad day, or at least doesn’t show it,” chuckled Cassandra, Director of Production Well-Being. “He’s one of those guys that finds something positive in every situation. He is very approachable and has a great relationship with his growers. Paul will help you out, any time, day or night.”

Ron, Director of Finishing and Transportation, agrees. “It’s hard not to smile when talking to Paul,” he said. “He has a genuinely good attitude all of the time and goes about his days quietly without a fuss. He’s the type of guy you want to get on the bus with and head towards the same direction.”

As a finishing supervisor, Paul is responsible for working alongside his team of managers, overseeing farm and animal care, keeping his farms stocked with all necessary supplies, marketing, snow removal and more. He says the key to success as a finishing supervisor is a willingness to work with everyone and not being afraid to roll up yourselves and doing the work yourself. “My team knows that I’d never ask them to do something that I wouldn’t do myself,” he said. “Things happen and being on a team means we’re accountable, always try our best and are here to support each other through good times and bad.”

Congratulations to Paul, Jaime, Sam, Ryan, Joline, Craig, Val, Jaime, Nahum, Max and Tim on your Q3 success. Keep up the great work in 2021.