Power Snack 2022 Chases Hunger in Chariton

posted on Thursday, November 3, 2022

Madison at Chariton Pre School“The Power Snack program benefits children and their families by providing a nutritious snack and easy to prepare meal,” shared Susan Duley, teacher at Chariton Community School District Preschool. “When children come to school hungry, they are not ready to learn. This will help provide them some nourishment to make it through the day.”

Our final stop on day 4 finds us at Chariton Preschool in Chariton, Iowa. We are honored to bring 200 Power Snack coupons to this school in order to provide that necessary nutritious snack or meal as mentioned above.

The Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation believes that no child deserves to battle hunger, especially one as young as preschool age. We hope the coupons delivered to this preschool today will provide the nourishment needed for these young children to grow, develop and be able to learn. These coupons are a simple way to tackle hunger throughout our rural communities, and we hope they provide a sense of comfort and relief to families who are trying to supply healthy protein for their children.

Wow! What a day. Thanks for all the great stops in southern Iowa! Catch us back on the road next week for more deliveries.