posted on Monday, November 7, 2022
“The PowerSnack coupons help ensure that students have a healthy alternative during periods of food insecurity,” said David Fox, Administrator at Waverly-Shell Rock Senior High School.
Food insecurity is something the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation passionately feels that no one deserves to face. That is why we are honored to share accessibility to our favorite protein – pork – to many families in need.
The PowerSnack booklets contain coupons for $8 worth of shaved or sliced ham and $3 for a loaf of whole wheat bread. This combination helps provide both the power and energy needed to push through the day. The booklets also contain healthy recipe ideas to expand the use of the ham and get creative with versatility. These recipes are also kid-friendly and something adolescents can easily prepare on their own.
600 PowerSnack coupon booklets were delivered to Waverly-Shell Rock High School today, valued at $6,600 in total. Along with the PowerSnack coupons, 200 pork snack sticks were also delivered for teachers and school staff to keep available to students who may come to school hungry or need an extra snack to give them a boost through the day.