Power Snack 2022 Makes Healthy Snacks a Possibility at Margaretta Carey Elementary School

posted on Monday, November 7, 2022

Madision and Margaretta Carey Elem School Principal“The PowerSnack coupons allow families who may not have access to healthy snacks and may be experiencing food insecurity to provide a healthy snack for their child,” said Micky Bahlmann, Principal at Margaretta Carey Elementary School.

The Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation has a passion for providing Iowans access to a healthy protein to fill their plates. With the rising cost of living, many families have no choice but to turn to unhealthy alternatives to fill their grocery carts. Ham holds many nutrients that are essential for young children to have in their diet, and the unfortunate reality is that many adolescents are not meeting the required daily protein intake.

Because of this, we are honored to deliver 300 PowerSnack booklets to Carey Elementary today. The booklets contain $8 for shaved or sliced ham and $3 for a loaf of whole wheat bread. These coupons provide the perfect healthy snack for children to prepare on their own, and it provides them the opportunity to sustain energy throughout the day. The coupons delivered to Carey Elementary today are valued at $2,400 worth of deli ham and $900 worth of whole wheat bread.

We hope the coupons provide lots of comfort as we head into the Thanksgiving holiday.