Power Snack 2022 Provides Protein to Albert City-Truesdale Elementary

posted on Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Madison with Kim Ellrich at Albert City-Truesdale

“The PowerSnack program helps families be able to give their children healthy and nutritious food,” said Kim Ellrich, Secretary at Albert City-Truesdale Elementary.

Not only does the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation feel passionate about battling hunger across Iowa but providing a healthy option for doing so. As pork producers, we are proud of the nutrients that ham can provide for children and adolescents.

PowerSnack coupons contain $8 for deli ham and $3 for whole wheat bread. 300 of these coupons were delivered to Albert City-Truesdale CSD today, and this accounts for $2,400 worth of deli ham and $900 worth of whole wheat bread.

A large number of young children are not meeting the daily protein intake requirements, and we hope the PowerSnack coupons provide a way for students to find a healthy balance in their meals.