Power Snack 2022 Stops at Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Elementary & Middle Schools

posted on Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Madi and CGD staff
“Families in our school access the Power Snack coupons to supplement meals when food insecurity is an issue,” said Shanda Foust-Staples, Social Worker at Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Elementary and Middle School. “The coupons help sustain hunger in the home between the weeks that the food pantry is open. Families are very appreciative of this support.”

900 coupons for deli ham and whole wheat bread were delivered to Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Elementary and Middle School today to help students and families sustain the hunger they are facing. These coupons total 900 pounds of deli ham valued at $7,200 and 900 loaves of whole wheat bread valued at $2,700.

The Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation along with Iowa Select Farms believes in raising a quality and nutritious protein for Iowans, and we are honored to share these coupons to allow families the access to this protein at the grocery store. With food costs at an all-time high, it is more difficult for families to provide these nutrients to their growing children. We believe everyone deserves to have delicious and healthy protein on their plate, and that is why we continue to bring this program to schools in our Homegrown Iowa communities year after year.