Power Snack Day 2 Completed

posted on Thursday, October 29, 2020

At Iowa Select Farms we’ve been known to exclaim, “boom shaka laka!” to mark the completion of a big task, job well-done or out of an abundance of joy and today is definitely one of those days. So, let’s say it together everyone…. BOOM SHAKA LAKA!

On day two of Power Snack, our team:
- Traveled 256 miles throughout central Iowa

-Delivered 5,800 Power Snack deli ham and whole wheat bread coupon booklets 
- Unloaded 2,000 protein-packed Pork Sticks 
- Supplied kids in-need with supplies for 69,000 wholesome meals 

And believe it or not, we’re nowhere near done yet. We still have five days of deliveries (and five more videos!) to share, so stay tuned!
