Power Snack Reaches Half-way

posted on Friday, October 30, 2020


Wowowow! Today we passed the halfway mark with Power Snack deliveries! Here’s a quick recap of the day:

On day four of Power Snack, our team:
- Traveled 401 miles throughout Iowa 
- Delivered 7,00 Power Snack deli ham and whole wheat bread coupon booklets 
- Unloaded 2,000 protein-packed Pork Sticks 
- Supplied kids in-need with supplies for 84,000 wholesome meals 

We’re taking tomorrow off to reload our truck for Wednesday’s deliveries which are (spoiler alert!) even bigger than today’s and we’re so looking forward to deliveries in western Iowa.

We believe it is our responsibility to give back, help our fellow Iowans and make our communities stronger. This is what we are called to do as farmers.

It’s in our hearts and DNA.