Priest Claims #1 SelectPride Spot

posted on Monday, December 23, 2019

“Sheila is one of the best animal caretakers I work with,” said Shamus Brown, DVM and director of multiplication. “She cares so much about each and every animal, is dependable and has a heart of gold. We never doubt for a day that those pigs receive the best care around.”Sheila

Congratulations to Sheila Mundy and Cody Long for claiming the top spot for Q1 SelectPride!

After claiming the first-place spots on their own, the duo teamed up and claimed the top spot working together!

Located near Diagonal in southwest Iowa, Priest multiplication nursery plays a key role in providing quality gilts for Iowa Select Farms’ gilt developers and sow farms.


SelectPride awards for multiplication nurseries and growers are based on mortality, production well-being, biosecurity assessments and supervisor site visit scores.

Priest earned the top spot for having 1.3% mortality, 100% production wellbeing
score, 100% biosecurity score and averaged just under 100% on their site
visit scores.

Whether she’s working late at the farm or carrying a pig with strep to the waterer to ensure it drinks—Sheila’s passion for her pigs is evident to anyone she meets. According to Tysen Abell, Multiplication Supervisor, Sheila is not an animal caretaker, rather a caregiver.


“My job is fun. I absolutely love what I do,” said Sheila, who’s notorious for feeding her pig sweet treats, like donuts and cookies. “There’s nothing I love more than coming into the farm every day and seeing the progress our pigs have made. I take pride in getting and keeping them as healthy as possible.”

“It’s both rewarding and empowering to go from no pig knowledge to really feeling comfortable in your job,” said Cody. “I’m able to manage treatments and focus my efforts on getting, and keeping, our pigs as healthy as possible.”