Serving Kids and Day Care Provider in Riceville
posted on Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Shannon, an employee of Iowa Select Farms, nominated her day care to receive a Little Farmer Toy Box, and we were so excited to deliver one to her this past week in the town of Riceville.
“Angie is a wonderful, wonderful person, day care provider and, above all, friend,” said Shannon. "Being a full-time working parent can be difficult, but thankfully I have Angie. Knowing that my kids go to a safe, friendly, loving environment every day makes it so much easier to be away from them while I am supporting them at the same time. It is a delicate balance, and with people like Angie, it makes things easier."
The kids were ecstatic to dig in and play with all the new ag-inspired toys.
“The smiles on their faces were ear to ear as they played with all the new toys, put together puzzles, colored pictures and did all the fun activities that were a part of the Little Farmer Toy Box,” said Angie. “They really loved all of it. I just cannot thank Iowa Select Farms, Henry’s Heroes and the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation enough for the care they put into creating such a perfect donation for Iowa’s day care providers.”
We know day care and day care providers have had some struggles with so many things out of their control over the past couple of years. Still, they have also been incredibly resilient throughout all of it to help ensure our kids in our communities are safe, happy and always taken care of so parents can work.
“Through adjustments, protocols and constant communication, Iowa day cares and providers have prevailed over some of the most difficult circumstances,” said Ali Kraber, a representative of the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation. The cost of inflation and daycare's trying to remain affordable, we knew there was no better time to give back to a part of our community we could not live without.”

#HenrysHeroes2022 #LittleFarmerToyBox
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