posted on Thursday, June 20, 2019
“We have a lot of families in-need here in our district,” said Kris Flaugh, teacher at South Hamilton MS/HS in Jewell. “We started this pantry to make sure no one went hungry.”
Hungry students can’t learn is something we hear often when donating pork loins and PowerSnack coupons, and it’s one of the main reasons school food pantries like Hector’s Cupboard are popping up across the state.
“We have been open for about a year and a half,” explained Principal Scott Dryer. “Every Wednesday afternoon families can come in and pick up supplies. Right now we serve 180 students and 50 families. It’s been very successful and we’re just happy to lend a helping hand.”
On our visit to Hector’s Cupboard this morning our Haul Out Hunger crew unloaded 60 pork loins and a Henry’s Heroes package for families in Jewell and surrounding communities.
“We appreciate all that Iowa Select and the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation does for our school and students,” continued Dryer. “Not only do they fill our freezers with pork loins, but they’re also the reason we’ve been able to do care packages for families at Thanksgiving and Christmas. It really means a lot.”