Summer Intern Grace

posted on Friday, July 16, 2021

“I chose Iowa Select Farms because of the opportunity they offered to grow my knowledge in the swine industry,” said Grace, a gilt development intern from State Center, Iowa. “I heard about their people and animal care and how much pride they put into being the best company they can be, and I knew I had to be a part of it.”

In the first month of her internship, Grace has already become part of the Iowa Select family.

“Grace is eager to learn about anything on the farm and has done a great job at what she has been taught so far,” said her manager, Jamie. “She is friendly and easy to get along with and always has a smile on her face.”

As a gilt development intern, Grace has a variety of responsibilities that include walking pens to monitor pig health, heat checking, assessing potential and ongoing pregnancies and breeding guilts using artificial insemination.

Grace is studying animal science at Iowa State University and this internship has pushed her to think about her future career.

“It’s exciting to expand my knowledge in the swine industry. I’ve enjoyed experiencing the Iowa Select culture and learning about everything the company has to offer,” she said.

Enjoy the rest of your summer, Grace. Thanks for all of your hard work!

Be on the lookout for more #ISFInterns21 highlights coming soon.