Super Snacker Recalls 2019 PowerSnack Deliveries

posted on Thursday, July 16, 2020

It’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s… a superhero in pink sparkly boots?

That’s right! Super Snacker here. I saw my friends at the Deb and Jeff Hansen are doing a recap of 2019, so I had to weigh in on Power Snack. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover, so sit back, relax, grab a ham sandwich and let’s get to it.


Knowing that this was going to be their biggest year yet, the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation and Iowa Select Farms put in a call to yours truly for an assist, but can you blame them? There’s no off-season for the Super Snacker, I’m always ready when it comes to snacking…err, I mean, helping kiddos in-need!

Little did I know that we would be traveling to 125 schools in just a few short weeks. These boots were made for walking, but not that much. In 10 days, we delivered over 90,000 deli ham and whole wheat bread coupon booklets—enough for each child enrolled in the program (yes, all 22,571 of them) to make 48-filling Power Snacks each year. That adds up to more than 1,000,000 ham sandwiches. WHABAM! If that ain’t a roundhouse kick full of protein and healthy carbs, I don’t know what is.


As if that wasn’t impressive enough, they threw in 10,000 pork snack sticks for the kids, too. The perfect, on-the-go protein snack. Oh, and if you think I’m cool, you need to meet the teachers and nurses behind the scenes. They love on the kiddos, keep the programs running in their schools and even reach into their own pockets to help keep students fed. You didn’t hear it from me (just kidding, you definitely did), but they’re the real superheroes.


Kudos to the Foundation for all of their work. And kudos to me for getting in 500 pushups, 762 bicep curls and 900 dead lifts along they way. Here’s to hoping I get to help with deliveries again in 2020!