“There's something really calming about being the only one on the road in the middle of the night”
posted on Tuesday, September 13, 2016
“There’s something really calming about being the only one on the road in the middle of the night,” said Phillip Simons, a truck driver for Iowa Select Farms. “I like hauling market hogs, and I don’t mind the fact that it’s just me and the fireflies most of the time.”
Like most of our market haul drivers, Phillip hauls loads of 280 pound hogs from finishing sites to the packing plant. In his case, JBS in Worthington. Iowa Select Farms sends all of their market hogs to JBS inside an evening window, which means semis are moving anywhere from 8:00 p.m. at night to 8:00 a.m. in the morning.
An owner-operator with Iowa Select Farms for almost three years, Phillip managed finishing sites for six years prior. “I always wanted to drive a semi, so I bought a truck, got my CDL and transitioned over to an owner-operator.
During the summer he hauls 10 loads a week and even more in the winter. Phillip farms on the side with his dad and also has his own land. “Outside of the fact that I really enjoy driving, the flexibility is probably the best thing about this job,” said Phillip. “Chris (dispatch manager) takes my farming schedule into consideration and works around my other commitments, especially during harvest or planting.”
“Phillip does a great job for us, he’s professional and is always willing to cover extra loads if we need it,” said Chris Renihan, Dispatch Manager for Iowa Select Farms. “We really enjoy working with Phillip, you can tell he really cares about the responsibilities that come with the job.”
Phillip said his contribution to the billion pound journey is to be on time, keep his truck maintained, follow biosecurity and drive safely. “In the beginning there was a good amount of training and information, but now I get my schedule from dispatch and then I go. They don’t micromanage you which is nice. But if I need help or have issues with my truck, they’ll help me out.”
Phillip said he knows all of the drivers up his area, which is northwest Iowa. “We all know each other, and always help each other out,” he said. “When you can’t get out of a farm because you are stick in the mud, it’s good to have friends.” #billionpounds
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