T'Lee - Afton Little Free Pantry Captain

posted on Friday, February 11, 2022

“It makes me feel good to be a part of a company that thinks about giving back to the communities we work in. I am so proud to work for Iowa Select Farms,” said T’Lee a member of the health services team. “To see our name on that pantry, knowing we provide for people in need, makes me so proud that we do this and that I get to be a part of it.”

T’Lee has been a member of the team of three outstanding Iowa Select Farms employees who care for the Afton Little Free Pantry since it was installed in 2020. It is located on the town square adjacent to the city park and a splash pad in hopes of attracting the town’s youngest citizens. Julie, Jessica and T’Lee all work together to keep the pantry stocked with emergency resources like snacks, food, diapers and children's care products.

“I have a great group to work with. We do a great job of rotating responsibilities, so no one feels overwhelmed with taking care of it all,” said T’Lee. “We’ve become a little team and it’s a great feeling to know we are all doing this together.”

Not only does T’Lee work with her co-workers to fulfill her Little Free Pantry Captain responsibilities, but she has also gotten her own family involved too. She saw this project as the perfect opportunity to volunteer as a family and give back to the kids and community of Afton.

“I often take my 4-year-old daughter shopping. She helps us pick out all the best snacks for after school or at the pool,” said T’Lee. “It’s so fun to show her how we are giving back to the community and what it means to help others. She truly gets to be part of it and see what Iowa Select is doing to help people in need.”

In her role as a Little Free Pantry Captain, T’Lee has seen firsthand how important that seemingly small action of helping people in need is to her community

“There is definitely a need within the community of Afton for these types of resources. Times are tough. Things are really expensive right now, so to know that we can provide that for those who need it makes me feel good,” said T’Lee. “It’s so rewarding to see the difference you’re making that it doesn’t even feel like work, it’s something I look forward to doing.”

T'Lee holds a box of food for her pantry