Wayne County Sherrif's Department Receives Comfort Kits
posted on Wednesday, April 14, 2021

“People usually don’t remember what you say, but they will always remember how you make them feel,” Wayne County Sheriff Keith Davis shared.
The Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation and Iowa Select Farms had the pleasure of delivering 15 Henry’s Heroes Law Enforcement Comfort Kits to the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department.
Henry’s Heroes Law Enforcement Kits allow officers to provide an extra gesture of kindness to calm children and families when they are called to a tough situation. These Comfort Kits are compact but mighty, holding blankets, toys, including Henry’s favorite, Thomas The Train, pacifiers, lip balm, and stuffed animals, all with the hope that children and families in distress can be put at ease.
“These Kits will really help children in stressful situations,” Sheriff Davis said. “We hope that these will make kids feel comfortable and not scared, especially when interacting with law enforcement”.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance, “Treating a child with compassion and thoughtfulness is not only the proper thing to do, it is also a hallmark of good policing that can have long-term positive benefits for the child and the community.”
Henry Johnson, Deb and Jeff Hansen’s grandson, is the inspiration behind Henry’s Heroes and his mother Natalie created Law Enforcement Comfort Kits as the focus for his second year. The Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation has already donated over 400 Comfort Kits across the state of Iowa.
Any Police Department or Sheriff’s Department in the 55 counties where Iowa Select has farms is eligible for Law Enforcement Comfort Kits.
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