Women in Ag-Erica

posted on Monday, April 4, 2022

Erica in front of a garageErica said there are multiple reasons she loves pig farming. Her unique role as sustainability manager gives her a clear line of sight into all areas of the company.

“I love pork, the jobs the industry creates, the by-product that benefits our soil, the adoption of technology and innovation and the connections you build. And above all? Hands down the opportunities.”

She says agriculture has a diverse bucket of jobs paired with opportunities to grow outside of work through leadership programs, volunteer events and speaking opportunities.

She also appreciates the farming lifestyle. Growing up on a farm in eastern Iowa, she’s grateful to now farm with her husband and his family in southern Iowa.

“I truly didn’t understand how much of a positive impact being involved in agriculture had until recently, when we welcomed our son into the world.”

"I think about how special it was to ride in the tractor with my dad and the sleepovers in the living room with my brothers so we could take turns checking on the group of heifers who were calving in the barn. More recently, celebrating my husband’s birthday in the fields during harvest season. The memories made and the relationships built truly make this industry so impactful." #WomenInAg