Zearing Christian Church Food Pantry

posted on Monday, July 11, 2016

Next, we made our way to Zearing to say hello to the kind folks at the Zearing Christian Church. The pantry has been run by Bev and Jim Chance for the last six or seven years, however we were greeted by their daughter, Marla who helped us unload 36 pork loins.

“This is incredible, this pork donation will provide us with enough food for our families for a Christmas and Thanksgiving meal on top of what we get donated that week,” said Marla.

The pantry serves Zearing as well as some of its surrounding communities including McCallsburg and Clemens. Marla filled us in on the Zearing community’s needs and how they operate the pantry from day to day.

“At the pantry, we serve 15 to 20 families a month. We’re open every Wednesday night from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. for anyone to come in and get what they need depending on their family size,” said Marla.
Small in staff but big in heart, Bev, Jim and Marla are fortunate to receive help from their surrounding communities as well. “It’s a really great community to work with,” said Marla. “They’ll donate fresh vegetables and produce from their gardens for us, churches will provide donations and we get some volunteers.”