Lynn grew up helping out on dairy farms in Pennsylvania. Her love for livestock drew her to the University of Pennsylvania for a degree in animal science and a doctorate in veterinary medicine. While in school, she worked at the swine teaching farm and got the “bug” for pig farming.

“Everyone told me if I wanted to see the industry, I needed to go to Iowa,” she said. So during her senior year she applied with Iowa Select Farms for a two-week externship, an opportunity vet students have to experience different companies, clinics and veterinary career paths.
After riding along with a different person each day, she was hooked. She knew the feeling was mutual when she got a job offer to join the health services team as a staff veterinarian.
Three years later, Lynn has settled in the small town of Manson and is our Director of Wean-Finish Health. Reflecting back to her college years, Lynn says she thought the swine industry was big, but what is most surprising is how small it feels. “It feels like a family, the way we share information and ideas with other farmers and help each other out.”